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December 27, 2005
Corey and Joel Radio Show #48: Must Love Nintendogs
Post hoilday decompression begins, with the boys worn out from too much seasonal partying. It was a good year for Joel, as his girlfriend got him a Nintendo DS and the ultimate gift from the heart: A Star Wars comforter. Corey got slacks. Then we pour a forty in honor of Tony Dungy's dead son's Myspace profile. Corey offers his Favorite movies of 2005, as well as some real stink bombs. Also: Kelly Ripa is hot, Faith Ford is a hag and Corey bakes up some cookies (homo).
Right click here to download - 78 minutes, 33 megs
Posted by at 06:05 PM
December 21, 2005
Corey and Joel Radio Show #47: HO, HO, HO, Bitches!
A Yuletide treat stuffed with season's greetings for all mankind. Even the Jews. We get started with a very special piece of listener mail, full of happy feelings and lesbian fantaises to warm the cockles. Corey wants to know what's up with that fun loving country Iran. What's the top of the pops in Tehran, and the scary similarity between Arabic and Mexican TV. Then Joel shares the touching story of a Christmas charity show that turned into a slugfest. Also Kwanza:WTF?, Joel's top 5 movies of the year and the hottest chicks in HDTV.
Right click here to download - 78 minutes, 32 megs
Posted by at 05:14 PM
December 13, 2005
Corey and Joel Radio Show #46: F Censorship And His Momma
Sad times as we honor the great Richard Pryor, who's tragic passing also killed Corey's Death Pool chances. We brave the multiplex with reviews that answer tough questions like: Just how gay is Narnia and just how scary are the natives in King Kong? Corey recalls his adolescent wet dream experiences, and a big,huge mailbag segment dominates the end of the show. Also: putting the "globes" back in the Golden Globes, what's the matter with Woody, Improv girls who like to party, and once you go gay can you really go back?
Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 33 megs
Posted by at 06:18 PM
December 06, 2005
Corey and Joel Radio Show #44: Live at Club Bart Part 1
It's the long talked-about show live from Club Bart in Ferndale, MI. The guys host a raucous crowd and welcome some of their favorite comedians to the stage for live performances. On part one, you'll hear John Tourtillott, the hilarious Mike Lundy, Russ Brown and show favorite Bill Bushart. Find out about their parenting skills (or lack of), hear funny road stories, and find out who might become Japan's next big comedy star. Also we reveal which host hates Hillary Duff, but would be willing to bang Bea Arthur, and which one has "dusky" nipples.
Right click here to download - 73 minutes, 29 megs
The Club Bart neon lures them in..and your intrepid hosts make 'em laugh
Posted by joel at 11:50 PM
Corey and Joel Radio Show #45: Live at Club Bart Part 2
It's Part two from Club Bart with even more great comics. First up, it's L.A.'s Danny Bevins, then we've got Mike Stanley, everyone's favorite Chill, and finally the uniquely funny Pete Weiss. The guys also interview one of their biggest fans, Scott, and you'll either be horribly depressed or feel really good about yourself afterwards. Plus tons more dick jokes, ethnic slurs and more fun with our live audience. Big thanks to Kim for the wonderful job producing the show, too!
Right click here to download - 73 minutes, 29 megs
Danny Bevins enjoys our sparsely decorated set & Pete Weiss, up close and personal
Posted by joel at 11:40 PM