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July 27, 2006
Corey and Joel Radio Show #79: Play (With Yourself) Mania
It's your favorite comedy podcast's favorite subject on show #79 - TV, and lots of it. The guys look back on the golden era of 80's detective shows and try to figure out who had the better mustache, Magnum P.I. or Matt Houston. Then, the summer reality shows are dissected including the Oksana Baiul-starred (and possibly cancelled) Master of Champions and everybody's favorite to goof on, Big Brother. Joel give his favorite shows to watch "solo", including old favorite Three's Company, but why the hell is it on at such weird times? Also, sure signs for boyfriends to know that their girl is leaving and goodbye to TV's late-night hatchet-face, Tina Fey.
Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 33 megs
Posted by joel at July 27, 2006 01:04 PM