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August 24, 2006

Corey and Joel Radio Show #83: Defending Gallagher

Show #83, incorrectly identified as Show #84 by Joel, carrying on the tradition of incorrectly identifying the show's number, and not like anyone cares. Anyway, on today's show the guys announce their next big remote show wihich will feature lots of comedians and lots of clam chowder. Speaking of comics, Corey and Joel debate Maxim Online's list of the worst comedians of all-time. Thankfully we're not on it, but it may surprise you who gets trashed and who gets defended. Someone thinks Gallagher is unfairly hated and someone thought Sinbad was really funny (when he was 14). Someone even still carries a torch for Andrew Dice Clay. Also, we play "Cancelled or Not Cancelled" with the new TV season, discuss why the new Survivor could be the best yet, and understand the special comedy dynamic between Jay Leno and Kevin Eubanks. All this and no drumrolls.

Right click here to download - 79 minutes, 33 megs

Posted by joel at August 24, 2006 12:50 PM