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February 21, 2007

Corey and Joel Radio Show #108: Blaxploitation

It's Black History Month, at least in the US, so why not catch up with the community and one of their proudest members, Chill? Last we saw Chill, he was our sports reporter but this time he's here to report on what's going on at the barbershop (apparently a lot), what happened to the WB and the reality of celebratory gunfire. Chill doesn't want to represent all black people, but his homies were so into "keepin' it real", they failed to show up! Joel tries to represent, but his choice of headgear is both offensive and incorrect. Also, find out what happens at a dogfight, we discuss the upcoming Corey and Joel Roast, and the topic where we can all agree - banging white chicks.

Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 37 megs

Joel and his "wave" cap

Posted by joel at February 21, 2007 08:13 PM