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April 26, 2007

Corey and Joel Radio Show #118: Injun Red

Corey and Joel have a big fight - right at the top of the show. No announcing, no nothing just fighting. Then the guys come together to hate on other stuff: Michigan's upper peninsula, the Calgary Flames, phony Indian casinos and more. Then Joel has a near-death experience on the air and Corey just points, laughs, and describes it all for the listeners. What a dick. Almost as bad as Alec Baldwin and his voice mail to his kid. Did the kid deserve it? Did Joel? Also, a Spider Man 3 review, the VT shooter and his whore, nostalgia sucks, getting older and getting laid, and a great listener email.

Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 37 megs

Posted by joel at April 26, 2007 04:49 PM