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May 16, 2007

Corey and Joel Radio Show #121: Gilmore Guys

The Corey and Joel Radio Show is a lot like the Gilmore Girls, we talk and talk and talk about pop culture and make endless wise cracks, just without the hot Mother/Daughter action. This week is a lot like that show. And why does the Mom finally fall for the guy with the backward hat? Do all local greasemonkeys and short-order cooks really have a heart of gold? The Sopranos sucks, too, but at least something happened this week. Also, The Kentucky Derby winner talks funny, Kirk Cameron is gay for Jesus, Jerry Falwell is dead (thank God), Apple fans hate us and Larry the Cable isn't funny - again.

Right click here to download - 79 minutes, 37 megs

Posted by at May 16, 2007 07:48 PM