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September 13, 2007
Corey and Joel Radio Show #137: Celebrity Elbow Boob
The boob isn't a reference to our guest, comedian PJ, but make sure to introduce him properly. Joel doesn't, as he's too busy telling his story of a drunken musical celebrity feel-up that happened many years ago. But would anyone feel-up current musical celebrity Britney Spears? After a limp and lethargic performance on the recent MTV Awards, she still has her fans though, in particular the biggest homo in America, who has to be heard to be believed. Also, 9/11 memories, getting stalked in World of Warcraft, a fantasy football update and The King of Kong - the best movie about Donkey Kong - ever.
Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 37 megs
Posted by joel at September 13, 2007 01:13 PM