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September 20, 2007
Corey and Joel Radio Show #138: OJ & the Gay Robots
The guys are still reeling from this week's Detroit Lions' victory. It was a triumphant moment for the team, and Corey and Joel were there to see it live. But, as lifelong Lions fan, did Corey's cynicism ruin the moment for Joel? Was he correct in thinking the "Lie-Downs" were blowing it again? Does he feel any remorse for being a killjoy? Listen in as it's a loud, angry and often funny argument - possibly C&J's best. Also from the football files is OJ Simpson's latest arrest, and why the end end result is being predicted here with 100% certainty. And finally a review of one of the summer's biggest blockbusters, Transformers, finally seen in the "glory" of IMAX. Not to spoil the review, but this will be making an end of the year list - and not the good one. Listen as 60 years of combined geekdom eviscerates Hollywood's latest nostalgia cash-in.
Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 37 megs
Posted by joel at September 20, 2007 03:21 PM