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January 10, 2008
Corey and Joel Radio Show #155: The Songs of the 70s
In their first "real" show show of 2008 (after the Death Pool) the guys recap their respective New Years Eves. While both did gigs and both got caught in the snow, only Joel rang in the new year miserable, cold, alone, and scared - the same way he spent most of 2007. Also, the fan Death Pool draft went down with increased participation and just a little bit of controversy. Who chose obscure BBC actors? Who hates old baseball coaches? Who tried to draft all four Golden Girls? Plus, Joel recounts the heyday of 70s pop and hear one of the most amazing stories of showbiz fame (or lack thereof) ever. To top it off, Corey learns about dagos, American Gladiators returns, and is there such a thing as a fat Jew?
Right click here to download - 77 minutes, 36 megs
Posted by joel at January 10, 2008 05:54 PM