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January 17, 2008

Corey and Joel Radio Show #156: The Fest and the Rest

It's a special show this week, as Corey and Joel preview the first annual Detroit International Comedy Festival. They're joined in this by festival organizer/comedian/Corey and Joel Roaster, Kevin Wheeler. Kevin runs down the line-up which features Corey, Joel, tons of past guest comics from the show and even Full House-alumnus Dave Coulier. Kevin describes the challenges of bringing the festival to fruition as the guys detail their plans of covering the festival for the show. But that's not all, as Joel recommends his favorite new reality show, Parking Wars, which sends Corey into a tizzy. Seems he hates parking enforcement officers more than Al Queda. Is it just white-liberal rage, or is there some justification? Also, find out if the new sci-fi dorkfest flick Cloverfield is worth your time and hard earned pesos. Corey's suggestion - sit far, far away.

Right click here to download - 77 minutes, 36 megs

Fest postersmall.jpg
Click here for a larger version of the festival flyer

Posted by joel at January 17, 2008 04:29 PM