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October 16, 2008
Corey and Joel Radio Show #194: The Eskimo Comedian
Being successful in comedy sometimes a gimmick. Corey and Joel have largely steered clear of such shtick - until this week, as Corey unveils his new creation, The Eskimo Comedian. Corey takes his years of preparation for the role and makes it seem like it's something he just came up with on the spot. Brilliant. Funny? Decide for yourself. Corey makes comedy look easy, though as demonstrated by the recent effort of Today Show newscaster, Ann Curry, who gave stand-up a shot for an on-air bit. Does she sink or swim? Is it truly painful or just mildly embarrassing? Hear the tape with commentary in full. Also, the hottest older showbiz babes, Ringo's weird request, TV chefs get ranked and Family Guy (kinda) sucks.
Right click here to download - 80 minutes, 37 megs
OR press the play button below and listen right now:
Posted by joel at October 16, 2008 07:03 PM