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April 02, 2009
Corey and Joel Radio Show #215: Sing Like Bing
The guys are back in the studio after the last two weeks of remotes. And what shows they were, as Corey and Joel recap what went down on the shows, play an entertaining off-air fight and ponder the possibility of booking the wacky J&J girls for a future appearance. Also on the comedy tip, it's a battle of the real Sam Kinison vs the actor playing him in a new biopic. Hear them both perform one of Sam's classic bits and decide if "Jack Black Lite" has the chops to pull it off. Plus, the possibility of a future live show in one of the most remote places on earth - if the money's right, Rob Rose's last night as a "warrior", and all roads lead to The Beatles - according to Joel.
Right click here to download - 77 minutes, 37 megs
OR press the play button below and listen right now:
Posted by joel at April 2, 2009 02:48 PM