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April 08, 2009

Corey and Joel Radio Show #216: Breaking The Sound Wave

If you listened to the live show from the Comedy Castle two weeks ago, you heard an an unplanned invasion by two girls named Jodi and Jamie. Well now they've invaded the actual Corey and Joel studio, and the show may never be the same. Amongst their yelling, screaming, and singing, the guys try to get to get the girls' back story, their plans for future Hollywood stardom, and their measurements. Turns out Jamie is less than five foot tall, is in psychotherapy and is totally afraid to fly. Jodi has a gold tooth, wears men's athletic socks and and is a cup size "L". Whatever that means. Listen as the girls swig champagne, sing their sexy student-teacher song/skit, and plug the heck out of their YouTube videos. It's 99 minutes of noise, chaos and confusion. Try to have as much fun as those two, but that just might be impossible.

Right click here to download - 99 minutes, 45 megs

OR press the play button below and listen right now:

Jamie and Jodi are completely exhausted from talking, yet they continue

Posted by joel at April 8, 2009 04:21 PM