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April 30, 2009
Corey and Joel Radio Show #219: She Made Me a Radio
Corey and Joel are great guys. See, it's not even Black History Month, and Chill is back in the studio. Actually, they love Chill anytime, and America's favorite actor/comic/museum tour guide is in rare form on this show. He might might be upset about the guys replaying his hilarious flop at the Corey and Joel Roast, or maybe Joel's questioning of the exhibits at the African-American History Museum, but before it's over there's insults, accusations and hurt feelings all around. Before all of that, Chill tells us who's hot in hip-hop, why Michael Jackson is still the king, and why eating chicken is somehow racist - and Corey and Joel love chicken. Also, Chill finally gets Joel's joke, Corey on the biggest flicks of the summer, the mayor gets robbed and why white people love tribute bands.
Right click here to download - 88 minutes, 42 megs
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Chill and Joel are about to fight over JJ's hat
Posted by joel at April 30, 2009 08:24 PM