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July 09, 2009

Joel Radio #5: Everything's Strange

The whole world watched Michael Jackson's memorial service this week. And the whole world saw Magic Johnson be a mushmouth, Brooke Shields' epic comedy failure, and Rev. Al Sharpton be an asshole. There were some touching moments, too and you can re-live them all on this show. Joel plays the highlights and lowlights of the 3-hour event, including the performance so bad they should have thrown it in the casket with Mike. So put on one glove, paint your head like Jermaine, and get a bucket of KFC, because this is one heck of a show. Also, comedian Steve Sabo calls in from the edge of civilization to pick the UFC 100 winners, talk about his recent trip to Iraq, and why old ladies might soon be loving his comedy.

Right click here to download - 65 minutes, 31 megs

OR press the play button below and listen right now:


Posted by joel at July 9, 2009 03:04 PM