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July 16, 2009

Joel Radio #6: Houseful of Beige

After solving the David Carradine case back on Show #2, Detective Joel returns to put his spin on the Michael Jackson case. Actually, Joel doesn't know what the hell happened, but lays out the possible case for murder and explains why he's not setting up an appointment with Dr. Conrad Murray anytime soon. Also, Big Brother returns and it's as stupid as ever. That's good news for Joel, and even though he'd end up in the "Brains" clique, he's not smart enough to figure out the ethnicity or even the sex of some of the houseguests. Plus, UFC clairvoyance and controversy, and the best videogames of this generation - the "cheapskate Joel" Top 5.

Right click here to download - 67 minutes, 32 megs

OR press the play button below and listen right now:


Can you guess which "team" these players are on? Didn't think so.

Posted by joel at July 16, 2009 06:02 PM