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September 24, 2009

Joel Radio #15: Who's That Broad?

After Leno's big debut last week, it's time for the actual funny comedies to hit the air, and Joel has a rundown of this Fall's best. Is NBC's Thursday night the place to be, or does HBO have the market cornered on edgy sitcoms? Cory Hall even joins in via telephone to tell the world why The Office has slipped, Community deserves a chance and there's a CBS sitcom that's really good, and it's not How I Met Your Mother. Does Bored to Death live up to its title? Is Parks and Recreation surviving the sophmore slump? Listen to find out - you might be surprised. Plus, former show bashees chime in via email including podcaster admitting he sucks, and a mother-in-law basing comedienne that Joel's great.

Right click here to download - 66 minutes, 30 megs

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Posted by joel at September 24, 2009 06:58 PM