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April 01, 2010

Joel Radio #36: No Cheesesteaks

Joel is back from Philadelphia, and despite performing at a sold out show for 1700 people, the number one question he's asked is "did you have a cheese steak?". The answer is "NO" and Joel's reasoning for that are on the show, plus hear about Joel's Philly hotel room disaster, finally meeting Jimmy Walker, and how Philly is different from New York. Also, there's drama on Dancing With the Stars, but since it involves "top asshole" Kate Gosselin, Joel doesn't really care. Plus, eating crow over Alice in Wonderland, Ricky Gervais fails, 3-D can't save Clash of the Titans, and (a little) more on this show.

Right click here to download - 32 minutes, 15 megs

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Posted by joel at April 1, 2010 04:59 PM