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May 20, 2010
Joel Radio #40: Lawnmower Girl
Movie critic Corey Hall returns for a summer movie preview, as this is a really good summer for movies if you're a female or eight-years-old (or both). The guys discuss the box office future of The A-Team, if Scott Pilgrim can save the world, and how Inception might be the only intelligent, adult movie of the summer. They also wonder if the Sex and the City girls are older than the Golden Girls, why all assassins are hot chicks, and when P Diddy became our nation's greatest comedic actor. Plus, Law and Order is for scared dummies, the current whereabouts of Gene Shalit, and if anyone will ever get their fill of Kevin James getting hit in the nuts. Plus, Joel can't go to Hawaii, skipping Star Wars for thew Appalachian Trail, and, she's no Chloe - but Joel's neighbor is an upgrade.
Right click here to download - 101 minutes, 46 megs
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Posted by joel at May 20, 2010 08:42 PM