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May 26, 2011

Joel Radio #62: Too Long to Be Funny

The title is not indicative of the quality of this show! Oh no, that's a reference to the length of the recent comedy hit Bridesmaids, which at 126 minutes is way too long - funny or not (and it is!). This brings up the point of comedies being too long in general - thanks Mr. Apatow! Joined in this extended faux-radio show is frequent guest, John Tenney, of soon-to-be basic cable fame, and Corey Hall of, well, this show. Plus, The Macho Man is dead, but his insanity lives on, The Office is gone for the season and Corey is gone as a fan, and John lives a dream by working the comic book convention. Also, Corey sees The Hangover Part II. It sucks, apparently, but so does every comedy sequel - we think.

Right click here to download - 117 minutes, 54 megs

OR press the play button below and listen right now:

Posted by joel at 07:57 PM

May 07, 2011

Osama's TV!


Posted by joel at 06:44 PM

May 05, 2011

Joel Radio #61: One Hit Wonder

It's party time! With Osama bin Laden dead, it's time for everyone to get along and love each other. Of course that won't happen and nor will Joel and Corey ever really agree on anything. While Joel thinks you can draw a straight line from waterboarding to the capture, Corey thinks the Bush-era policies are still outdated and give our current Prez all the credit. They both, however, want the "death photos" released, and gleefully look at the leaked pics of the dead Osama associates - drop the squirt gun! Also, Thor is alright, Joel's Oprah insider isn't all that, and gays and blacks have a long way to go. Plus, Joel's secret film nerd crushes revealed - Kubrick, Scorsese, Peckinpah and 80's pro-wrestling.

Right click here to download - 89 minutes, 41 megs

OR press the play button below and listen right now:

Posted by joel at 08:49 PM