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August 02, 2011


As of August 2, 2011, new episodes of Joel Radio will not show up on this website. Instead head over to http://www.joelradio.net/ to see the new site and all updated content.

If you are using iTunes or any podcatching program, it is also very important to update the RSS feed for the show so that you can get the new shows automatically. The new feed for the show is: http://www.joelradio.net/feed/podcast/

iTunes is supposed to automatically find the new RSS feed, but it may take up to two weeks, and you may miss a show in the meantime.

While coreyandjoelradio.com will not be updated, the full archive of past shows and all content from this site is also now available at joelradio.net. The new site features the ability to leave comments in the blog entry for each show, which is a feature many of you have asked for. I hope to read and respond to your comments and criticisms there.

So update your bookmarks and let's keep the douchey fun going on joelradio.net!!!

Posted by joel at August 2, 2011 12:48 AM